Full fee
Dr Mel Taitimu: $200 per session
Wendy Mackay: $200 per session
Rebecca Mcwilliam: $160 per session
Rhianna Mott: $160 per session
Rates above do not reflect experience of psychologist. They are to ensure that all clients pay the same gap after medicare rebate.
All of our psychologists are registered with medicare to provide services under the Better Access program. At present this system enables 10 sessions per calendar year. To obtain a plan and the subsequent rebate you must see a GP before your first session with the psychologist and obtain a valid mental health care plan and referral. The referral is at the discretion of the GP and there must be a mental health diagnosis eg anxiety disorder or depression. When arranging an appointment to see a GP for a mental health care plan we recommend you advise then when making the booking that you are seeking this plan as they may require you to book a longer consultation or multiple consultations. When contacting us to arrange an appointment please advise the name of the GP who referred you and if you are being referred under this scheme.
As at 1 Jan 2020 Medicare will rebate approx $127 per session for Mel and Wendy and $87 per session for Rhianna and Rebecca.
Private Health
Rebates are available with most private health insurers. The rebate is usually between $40 to $70, and for a limited number of sessions. We recommend you contact your insurer to check your level of cover and the rebate. Receipts can be provided to be taken to your insurer to claim the rebate.
Employee Assistance
We have arrangements with a variety of organisations to provide Employee Assistance programs/services. If you are unsure if we provide services for your employer either ask your employer or contact us and we will advise you further.
Our psychologists are able to see clients under NDIS scheme in most circumstances. Please call reception to discuss.